July 19, 2015

22 Before 23

With the change of plans of us heading to Idaho, I decided it was a great time to update some goals! I have so much I want to accomplish within the next couple years before we have kids. So here's my 22 before 23 and I'm stoked to check these things off! :)

1. Get my work published 5 different times

2.  Learn to enjoy the small things

3. Follow a budget to a T for at least 1 month

4. Take care of myself and my husband

5. Only own things I love

6. Write 50 pages of my book

7. Try 12 new recipes

8. Get offered a job on the spot

9. Master Crock Pot meals

10. Go another year debt free

11. Shoot a wedding out of state (i.e. Not Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho, or Utah.)

12. Stress less

13. Print 2 albums for my family

14. Take a vacation with just Jacob and I

15. Go to two photography conferences or workshops

16. Reach 100 followers on my blog

17. Have 52 sessions within 2015

18. Spend more time in the here and now

19. Do a DIY for our apartment

20. Practice gratitude on a daily basis

21. Have a saving account that will last 6 months if needed

22. Earn over $2,000 in one month (My income only)

July 12, 2015

Comfort Zones May Be Beautiful...

I sat in my Grandparents' massage chair enjoying my day off when I got a call from Jacob. Eastern Idaho Technical College had an opening he could fill, but he needed to give them an answer within almost 24 hours. I didn't really stress at that moment because I thought we were both set on going to Torrington. But then he said, "I think this is something we should really pray about."
Of course I didn't want to pray about it. Jake was registered at Torrington, had his schedule set, FASFA was done, and we were beginning to look for apartments. I didn't feel like it was even something to think about! We needed a NEW place. Somewhere we could become independent and stand alone.
I won't lie. I came upstairs bawling to my dad asking him what in the world to do. Now, my dad is extremely wise. He doesn't always say things in the nicest and sweetest way possible, but, he is wise.
As I talked to him he reminded me that I don't always have to go to the Lord because sometimes it doesn't matter. Such as your cereal in the morning. But, he did say that both places will have learning experiences. Which I agreed with. But I already knew Jacob was set on Idaho. And as I talked to Jacob, I made an effort to explain if he were to decide Idaho, it should be for the school and nothing else. The gospel, our marriage, and his education would need to be the top priorities.
So, we are moving to Idaho. I'll full heartedly say not by choice, because I am ready for us to be away from everyone, including my family. I believe it's extremely important for newlyweds to get away from comfort zones. It's a struggle, I know it is, but it helps you rely on one another. And truth be told, comfort zones get you no where. And Idaho happens to be a comfort zone for both of us.

I might as well give a little lecture now. Please, please, please get out of your comfort zone. I'm an extreme introvert and I started my own Photography business! I have to talk to clients daily and interact with them, which is honestly something I still struggle with today. But after all my hard work and busting my butt I can honestly say I am so glad I got out of my comfort zone! Let's be honest though. Comfort zones are beautiful. But there isn't any growth. You stand still.

We will be moving to Idaho Falls August 13th and be leaving in two years when he gets his Welding license. Hopefully this time everything will go according to plan. :)

In other news, Jacob and I got back from New Mexico last week and it was a blast! I loved seeing my sister and brother-in-law. We were even able to work at their firework stand and in White City! After working Construction, almost anything else is pretty easy. So that was nice. :) We are Sunday School teachers for the 5 and 6 year olds. They are hilarious and I actually really enjoy it. And they do too, as long as I bring snacks. :)